Anytime I get the chance to go to London to see a musical I seize the opportunity. London is one of my favourite cities, the hustle and bustle, the shops, the restaurants and all the sites are simply stunning. Each time I visit I feel like I am coming home, I feel so at ease there and it’s definitely a place I would love to see more of.

Stepping off the train at London Paddington was giving me all kinds of emotional feelings. I am particularly in love with all the Paddington Bear films and as such it had me bouncing with joy from the moment we arrived.

Our first destination was Selfridges! One of my favourite department stores that you can get lost in. The walk there was amazing, wondering around the London houses and popping in and out of shops on the way. The make-up section within Selfridges has to be my favourite part and I love all of the travel sized products – they suck me in, and I found myself purchasing one of the regular Beauty Blenders and a small Too-Faced Powder ­– which I am in love with!

Next up was the Disney Store, my friends and I are all massive Disney fans, so this was high on the list of stores we wanted to visit. This particular Disney store had a dreamy Cinderella carriage – so, of course, I had to have a photo inside.

Convent Garden – the name itself has be buzzing with excitement. I love the feeling of Covent Garden. It’s such a beautiful place to visit and has so many amazing photo opportunities. I particularly love these beautiful floral benches!

We then headed to Liberty, a place I have never been to but fell instantly in love with. It’s so beautiful inside and out and I could browse every department for hours – if only I had the time to do so.

Finally, our last stop and the reason we came to London, Waitress the Musical. It was absolutely incredible. It exceeded all my expectations and I fell in love with Katharine McPhee’s voice all over again (those of you who liked the TV show SMASH will understand me when I say, Karen Cartwright’s dream came true on that stage). The combination of the songs, the characters and the scenes blended together and baked the perfect recipe.

Having listened to the soundtrack for over a year my expectations were already high. But I was completely blown away and the production has reinforced my love for so many songs, including ‘When He Sees Me,’ ‘She Used to be Mine’ and ‘Take it From an Old Man’ which had me weeping. There were also so many humours moments that I was not expecting that had me crying with laughter.

Overall, Waitress is a must see! And I encourage all of you that loves musicals as much as I do to go and see it!

Do you love musicals? If so, which one is your favourite?