Last week the UK was hit with blistering temperatures – completely and utterly out of the ordinary. It’s funny as we Brits tend to complain when it’s cold and we also complain when it’s too hot! Thing is we don’t know how to deal with it here!

Therefore, I wanted to come up with a to-do list that you could do without spending a lot of money or travelling a great distance, these ideas work for all warm weather and some especially appeal to hot, hot, hot! So…

#1 – Paddling Pool
My niece loves her paddling pool and so does her Auntie! The paddling pool is quite a big one in the sense that I can stretch my legs out in it and cool down. You can spend many enjoyable hours in your garden relaxing in the sun and the shade, reading a good book and cooling off in the paddling pool. Paddling pools also come with the idea of having a water fight! And who doesn’t love one of those!

#2 BBQ
Everyone loves a good BBQ, whilst there are a lot of foods on a normal BBQ that I cannot eat there are always alternatives. You can cook almost anything on a BBQ and two things I love is BBQ chicken & Fish, both taste so good when done on the BBQ. Though, be warned it may be a little bit smelly if you are cooking fish! Invite friends and family round to enjoy their company in the sun.

#3 Picnic in the Park
One of my favourite things to do during summer is to picnic in a park. Taking your own food with you reduces the cost; we have a little picnic hamper that we like to take with us. The little plates inside make picnicking much more enjoyable when in miniature. Take a ball, a cricket set, a book and spend the day in the park. Make sure to take suncream with you though!

#4 Beach Day
Who doesn’t like a beach day? I love them, there is something about the seaside during the summer that just makes it so enjoyable. Everyone seems happy and bubbly. We like to take a little tent for my niece when it gets too hot, but honestly we all seem to camp out in it when it gets a little bit too hot for us. Don’t forget that suncream, the wind can get you too!

What is your favourite thing to do during the summer? I’d love to know?