June sparks the first month that I’m completely free to read what I want. As university came to an end during the middle of May I’m no longer bound by certain rules and can finally control my own reading list.

I love getting to this stage in the year when I can pick some books that I’d like to read over the next few months. Shamelessly I’ve collected a lot, and I mean a lot, of books over the past year. Ones that I have meant to read but not had the time to. I may have five books lined up but I am the type of person to go out and buy five more. So, as with last summer I am going to be reviewing each of the books I read, along with giving an updated reading list each month which I hope you will all enjoy.

So, what is on June’s reading list?

1.     The Girl on the Train
I’ve wanted to read this book for a very long time, I’m not usually a fan of psychological thrillers, preferring to stick to dystopian and YA. I also don’t generally read adult novels as they aren’t my first pick. But there was something about this book that I couldn’t stay away from, I was drawn to it’s incredibly complex but also intriguing storyline. And I cannot wait to read it.

2.     The Fault in our Stars
The reason this book is in amongst this month’s pile is because I watched the film. As the topic is close to my heart I find it difficult to watch or read about it. However, a friend of mine told me I had to watch the movie and so I did. She was right, though sad the moving was also remarkably uplifting and puts cancer in a different light. Therefore, I knew I wanted to read the book, as a Creative Writing Graduate I’ve wanted to write about this topic but never known how to do it justice. I’m hoping this book will draw a path into enabling me to do it properly.

3.     All the Bright Places
When I read a hard book, such as a dystopian, I need something else in-between that is not too hard to read. Something easy going and allows me to read it within a few days. Something that doesn’t require too much concentration or something that makes my head hurt from thinking too much. I hope this book will allow me to do this, if not I always love a good YA novel.  

4.     Big Little Lies
If you have watched the incredible TV show then you will probably understand why I want to read the book. The TV show was unlike anything I’d watched in a long time. Nothing has kept me so captivated and I really hope they do a second season. I knew I wanted to read the book from the first episode, and therefore picked the book up and will be taking it with me when I go on holiday.

5.     Traitor to the Throne
I think this is the book I’m most excited to read out of all five of the books I’ve mentioned. If you’ve been reading my blog for the past year you may remember that I reviewed the first instalment to the series here and absolutely loved it. It was a dystopian met with Arabian nights: in keeping everything I loved about dystopian/fantasy into one plot. I’m hoping Traitor to the Throne does not fail to meet my expectations!

What books are you most excited to read this summer?